You are warmly welcome to the African Chaplaincy new website.

The African Chaplaincy of the Catholic Archdiocese of Dublin is a vibrant worshipping community of people of many tongues, tribes and nations of African extraction. All who desire to worship in the spirit that is true to our native air are sincerely welcome. 

As a welcoming faith community, committed to spiritual growth and inclusion, the African Chaplaincy strives to express our Catholic faith tradition through active participation in Worship, Community Living and Pastoral Care. 

The African Chaplaincy has become visible and relevant in providing Pastoral Care to the African Community, Parishes and other Communities.  

During the lockdown as a result of the Covid 19, we realised the need for us to upgrade our website for effective communication, evangelisation and to reach out to our members and maintain our sense of community. 

You will find an excellent idea of what our African Chaplaincy new website promises to offer in the home page. This new website is designed to reassure our hope, renew our faith, trust in God and enhance effective communication links within the African Community and beyond.   

Our aim is to provide the best possible information source for our members.

The new website will provide our members with a brilliant new setting for the latest and best information on our Catholic Faith, Child Safeguarding Policies and Covid 19 Guidelines.

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