Our mass day is Every Last Sunday of the month, by 1.30pm at St Finians Rivervalley Swords.

Our centre meeting holds monthly, on the last Friday’s of every month, by 7.30pm at Rivervalley Community Centre.

Alternative months for General and CWO meetings. All are welcome to attend mass with us but our Active membership involves attending our masses, attending our meetings (at least once in 3 months) and participating in other activities of the Centre.

Our First Friday prayers by 7.30pm at St Finians

Stations of the Cross is every Friday during the Lenten Season by 7.30pm at St Finians and on Good Friday.

During the months of May and October, we have Devotions every Friday by 7.30pm at St Finians Church, Rivervalley.

A week long summer camp for the youths and children and family picnic annually at the start of every summer.

Annual CWO and CMO Retreat hold 1st Saturday in December.

Annual Christmas party

Offices and Executives: These are various offices of the Centre led by the Centre Coordinator