Catholic Youth Organisation (CYO)

✝️The CYO of the African Chaplaincy Dublin Archdiocese, Ireland is a central body for all young people in chaplaincy.

✝️The Motto of the Association is “Working for God and the Church through Service to Humanity while young. (Eccl 12:1)

✝️The association comprises young people in the Church aged 12 – 25 years and it has the aim of enabling young people to develop themselves, their families and their faith community.

✝️The Structure of the association in its General Council comprises the CYO Youth Executive, CYO Centre Representatives, CYO Adult Centre Coordinators, CYO Chaplaincy Directors and the Chaplain.

✝️CYO chaplaincy meetings are held on the fourth Saturday of the month mainly at the Crosscare Blanchardstown, Main Street, Dublin 15
The CYO organizes excursions, youth conventions, retreats, picnics, winter ball, quiz, etc for the young ones. It is a lively group living out our youthful lives under God’s grace.

✝️For God and for the Youth, through Christ.